I very much enjoy doing commission work. I like the collaborative nature of trying to find something that pleases a person.
I have been making jewelry in one form or another for thirty-five years of my life. I would like to think that my design sense has become mature. Over these years I have experimented with many artistic directions.
As a professional psychologist, I have had an independant source of income that has afforded me the luxury of persuing an independent artistic vision. The elements that seem to unify my jewelry artwork include several constants. I like objects that seem primal; that might be tribal. The greatest compliment would be that some art historian might find one of my pieces and be baffled as to time and place of origin.
All my work has some element of carving. I carve waxes, ancient ivory, wood and mother of pearl. Much of my work is multimedia. It combines gold with gemstones set into the carved elements. These techniques for combining these elements are self-taught and are my own invention (or perhaps, re-invention).